3 x 7 dishes for a week of Icelandic diet

It is important to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially root vegetables, cabbage, rhubarb, mushrooms, herbs, as well as blueberries, crowberries and other berries, apples and pears. To fill you up, there are products made from rye flour or whole grain rye flour, potatoes, oat and barley. Plus a lot of fish, relatively little meat, as well as milk and dairy products such as cheese and of course Icelandic Skyr.
I once put together a "meal plan" for a week - 7 breakfast dishes, 7 salad dishes and 7 warm dishes.
Of course you can also combine it to your taste - salad with bread, grilled fish with salad, ...
7 x breakfast
Þeytingur - smoothie
Berjaþeytingur - berry smoothie
Áfasaftablanda - buttermilk mix with blackcurrant juice
Hafragrautur - porridge with blueberries
Hrökkbrauð - crispbread
Rúgbrauð an sykurs - sugar-free rye bread
Speltskonsur með bláberja - spelled pancakes with blueberries
Spinach Salad - Spinach salad with blueberries and blue cheese
Vetrarsalat - winter salad with Brussels sprouts and apple and sour cream dressing
Ostasalat - cheese salad
Túnfisksalat með kotasælu - tuna with cottage cheese
Fiskisalat - fish salad with cauliflower and smoked fish
Rækjusalat - crab salad with cucumber and apple
Salat með kjöti - salad with lamb
7 x hot dishes
Súmarsúpa - summer soup with vegetables and fish
Blómkálsúpa - Creamy cauliflower soup
Steiktur lax - Fried salmon
Hnúdskáls gratin - Kohlrabi gratin
Blaðlauksbaka - leek cake
Bakaður blaðlaukur með osti - Baked leeks with cheese and tomatoes
Spínat með reyktum laxi - spinach with smoked salmon
I really hope you like my selection and that you can do something with the dishes!
Bon appetit!
[Translated from here.]