Monday, February 12, 2018

My Iceland Diet - The Weekly Plan

3 x 7 dishes for a week of Icelandic diet

My "Iceland Diet" is about a long-term diet that is intended to lower blood fat and blood sugar levels and thus reduce excess weight in the long term in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetes or to improve existing diseases.

It is important to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially root vegetables, cabbage, rhubarb, mushrooms, herbs, as well as blueberries, crowberries and other berries, apples and pears. To fill you up, there are products made from rye flour or whole grain rye flour, potatoes, oat and barley. Plus a lot of fish, relatively little meat, as well as milk and dairy products such as cheese and of course Icelandic Skyr.

I once put together a "meal plan" for a week - 7 breakfast dishes, 7 salad dishes and 7 warm dishes.

Of course you can also combine it to your taste - salad with bread, grilled fish with salad, ...

7 x breakfast

Þeytingur - smoothie
Berjaþeytingur - berry smoothie
Áfasaftablanda - buttermilk mix with blackcurrant juice
Hafragrautur - porridge with blueberries
Hrökkbrauð - crispbread
Rúgbrauð an sykurs - sugar-free rye bread
Speltskonsur með bláberja - spelled pancakes with blueberries

7 x salads

Spinach Salad - Spinach salad with blueberries and blue cheese
Vetrarsalat - winter salad with Brussels sprouts and apple and sour cream dressing
Ostasalat - cheese salad
Túnfisksalat með kotasælu - tuna with cottage cheese
Fiskisalat - fish salad with cauliflower and smoked fish
Rækjusalat - crab salad with cucumber and apple
Salat með kjöti - salad with lamb

7 x hot dishes

Súmarsúpa - summer soup with vegetables and fish
Blómkálsúpa - Creamy cauliflower soup
Steiktur lax - Fried salmon
Hnúdskáls gratin - Kohlrabi gratin
Blaðlauksbaka - leek cake
Bakaður blaðlaukur með osti - Baked leeks with cheese and tomatoes
Spínat með reyktum laxi - spinach with smoked salmon

I really hope you like my selection and that you can do something with the dishes!

Bon appetit!

[Translated from here.]


Summer soup

My youngest helped me a lot with this summer soup - he also loves to cook and he really loves vegetable soups.

Ingredients for 4 persons

3 potatoes
1 stalk of leek
1 carrot
1 Tbsp butter
1 l vegetable broth
1 tsp sea salt
1 pinch of black pepper

400 g pollock

200 ml whipping cream
2 Tbsp chopped parsley


Wash, peel and dice the potatoes.

Wash and clean the leeks and cut them into rings.

Wash the carrot, peel and cut into thin slices.

Melt the butter in a large pot and briefly fry the leeks and carrots.

Add the potato cubes, add the vegetable stock and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Then carefully puree everything.

Season with salt and pepper and stir in the cream and 2/3 of the parsley.

Wash the fish, cut into cubes...

...and let it simmer in the pureed soup for about 5 minutes.

Arrange the soup on the plates, decorate with the remaining parsley and serve immediately.

Nutritional information per serving:

approx. 360 kcal
approx. 20 g fat
approx. 19 g carbohydrates
approx. 22 g protein

[Translated from here.]


Leek pie

Ingredients for 4 servings

75 g spelled flour
175 g rye flour
75 g butter
125 g pure Skyr
1 tsp coarse sea salt

5 stalks of leeks
1 tsp coarse sea salt
4 eggs
150 g pure Skyr
150 g blue cheese
1 tsp chopped thyme
1 pinch of black pepper


In a large bowl, combine the flour with the butter, skyr and sea salt...

...process into a smooth dough. Then put the dough in the fridge for about 1/2 hour.

Preheat the oven to 350 °F (180 °C) upper/lower heat.

Put the dough into a tart tin, carefully shape it, pull up the edge a little...

...and bake for about 20 minutes at 350 °F (180 °C) upper and lower heat.

Wash the leek thoroughly, clean it and cut it into thin rings.

Then cook the leeks in boiling salted water for about 10 minutes. Then drain well.

Cut the blue cheese into small pieces.

In a bowl, mix the eggs with the skyr, blue cheese, thyme, salt and pepper...

...whisk and then add the cooked leeks.

Spread the mixture on the pre-baked base...

...and bake for another 30 minutes at 350 °F (180 °C) upper and lower heat.

Then enjoy the leek cake while it is still warm and, serve with a fresh salad.

Nutritional information per serving:

approx. 650 kcal
approx. 32 g fat
approx. 58 g carbohydrates
approximately 29g protein

[Translated from here.]

Hnúðkáls gratin

Kohlrabi gratin

As part of my "Iceland diet" we are increasingly having classic Icelandic vegetable dishes - like this kohlrabi gratin.

Ingredients for 2 servings

600 g kohlrabi
500 g vegetable broth
200 g fresh mushrooms
2 Tbsp butter
1 pinch of salt and pepper
40 g grated Parmesan


Peel the kohlrabi and cut into thin slices...

...and cook until soft in the vegetable broth.

Wash and clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices.

Melt the butter in a pan and fry the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper.

Place the cooked kohlrabi slices in a fireproof dish...

...and pile up the fried mushrooms...

...pour the remaining butter from the pan over it and sprinkle with the Parmesan.

Bake in a preheated oven at 350 °F (180 °C) upper and lower heat for about 15 minutes.

Then serve straight away, or if you like, as a side dish with steamed fish.

Nutritional information per serving:

approx. 330 kcal
approx. 22 g fat
approx. 12 g carbohydrates
approximately 18g protein

[Translated from here.]


Cauliflower soup

Ingredients for 4 persons

500 ml meat broth
1 small head of cauliflower
4 potatoes
500 ml milk
salt and pepper to taste


Heat the meat broth.

Clean and roughly chop the cauliflower.

Wash and peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces.

Cook the potatoes and cauliflower in the meat broth until soft.

Pour in the milk and warm it up.

Puree everything well, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.


I added a few small cubes of blue cheese over the soup and seasoned the whole thing with licorice salt - that gave it a very special kick and was really, really tasty! However, the nutritional information increases by around 100 kcal, 9 g fat and 6 g protein with around 30 g of blue mold cheese per serving - the carbohydrates remain unchanged.

Nutritional information per serving:

approx. 186 kcal
approx. 4 g fat
approx. 22 g carbohydrates
approx. 11 g protein

[Translated from here.]

Spínat með reyktum laxí

Spinach with smoked salmon

I found this recipe from Helga Sigurðardóttir, the "matmóðir Íslendinga", the mother of Icelandic cuisine, in an old Icelandic newspaper from 1940 - and spontaneously fell in love with the dish.

Ingredients for 4 servings

750 g spinach leaves
4 eggs
250 g smoked salmon
80 g butter


Wash the spinach leaves and put them in boiling salted water for 2 minutes.

Remove the spinach from the water and drain well.

Then put the spinach in four small cocottes, casserole dishes or similar.

Make a "hole" in the middle of each and put a raw egg in it...

...and then cover with the smoked salmon slices.

Spread the butter in small flakes over the salmon.

Bake in a preheated oven at 350 °F (180 °C) for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Season with a little pepper or herbs to taste and then - enjoy your meal everyone! Verði ykkur að góðu!

Nutritional information per serving :

approx. 369 kcal
approx. 30 g fat
approx. 4 g carbohydrates
approx. 26 g protein

[Translated from here.]

Steiktur lax

Fried salmon

Ingredients for 2 people

2 salmon fillets (approx. 150 g each)
salt and pepper
1 tsp honey
2 Tbsp butter


Heat the butter in a large pan.

Wash the salmon fillets, pat dry and season on both sides with salt and pepper. Finally, spread a spoonful of honey over the fillets.

Then fry the fish in the pan for about 3 minutes on both sides.

Then carefully remove the salmon from the pan and serve immediately.

Nutritional values ​​per serving:

approx. 440 kcal
approx. 27 g fat
approx. 8 g carbohydrates
approx. 32 g protein

[Translated from here.]