Sunday, September 9, 2018

Gamla Bakaríið in Ísafjörður

The "Old Bakery"

The first bakery that ever existed in Iceland was Bernhöftsbakarí . It was founded in Reykjavík in 1834. I have already visited the bakery on my “Reykjavík Food Walk”.

In 1868, the second was a bakery in Akureyri and in 1871 the third was the bakery in Ísafjörður, which today still operates under the name "gamla bakaríið ", i.e. "the old bakery".

In the square in front of the shop there is usually this beautiful old cart with advertising for the bakery.

In addition to the sales room, the bakery also has a guest room where you can have breakfast, drink coffee and eat cake - but we didn't try that out.

During our stay in Ísafjörður we stopped by the bakery one afternoon to take a look and get an impression. We got there relatively late, there wasn't that much choice left, and the young saleswoman who packed our things in bags that I would probably have described as "breakfast bags" still seemed a bit awkward. But that didn't detract from the taste.

Here's the selection we bought: Rabarbarasnitta (rhubarb slices), Skúffukaka (chocolate cake) and Vínarbrauð (Viennese bread, this time with yeast dough).

I can definitely recommend all three varieties, and Kind2 was deeply impressed by the Vínarbrauð.

[Translated from here.]

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