Monday, November 7, 2016

Matur og drykkur - 2nd course

Hot starters

Salted cod croquettes with horseradish remoulade

Baked crawfish and cauliflower with horseradish and tarragon

The second course was cod croquettes with horseradish remoulade - a speciality of the house. With lots of salted cod, a bit of potatoes and a nice portion of dill for that special kick. The soft, tasty "fish porridge" creates an interesting contrast with the crispy crust alone, and the horseradish remoulade is really tasty. The Saltfiskkrókettur was also available separately as larger portions with larger croquettes as the main course - definitely recommended!

The second part of the warm starters consisted of a baked lobster with two fried cauliflower florets, a light horseradish sauce and an intense green tarragon sauce. There were also pickled raisins and something else crunchy, which unfortunately I didn't notice. Our waiter explained to us very lovingly and in detail in English what was being served to us with each plate!

The meal was definitely a great treat!!!

Overview of the 4-course menu at Matur og Drykkur

[Translated from here.]

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