Thursday, November 17, 2016

Grænkál i jafningi

Kale in roux

In traditional Icelandic cuisine, for a long time it was common practice to prepare and serve many things "í jafningi", i.e. in roux, from potatoes, meat and fish balls to vegetables. So here's another recipe for kale in roux!


400 g kale
100 g margarine
50 g flour
50 ml milk
50 ml kale stock


The kale is grown thoroughly, the stalk removed and the leaves then plucked into small pieces. The plucked leaves are then placed in boiling salted water and cooked for about 20 minutes until they are really soft.

Then melt the margarine in a pot, add the flour and stir into a thick dumpling. Then add the milk and some of the kale stock in small portions, stir until smooth and bring to the boil briefly. Then let it simmer a little longer and season with pepper, salt, sugar and a little nutmeg.

Then add the cooked, drained kale to the roux and stir.

This kale dish is traditionally eaten either as a cold snack (usually with hard-boiled eggs and bread) or as lunch with a piece of meat or fish.

Kalt kvöldmatur - cold dinner

[Translated from here.]

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