Sunday, February 1, 2015


Whey cheese soup for 2 people

Whey cheese is a solid, brown cheese that is made from whey (which is produced, for example, when making skyr).

In Norwegian this cheese is called "mysost", in Swedish "mesost" - in Icelandic the solid whey cheese that is cut with a cheese slicer is called "mysuostur". There is also “mysingur”, a popular spread. With "mysingur" the whey isn't cooked off quite as much and the cheese has roughly the color and consistency of peanut butter - but it smells and tastes very different, very intense and spicy!

The whey cheese soup can be cooked with both solid and soft Icelandic whey cheese, but with solid cheese you should increase the water content by 50% - otherwise the soup will be correspondingly thick, but it also tastes great!


500 ml water
50 g prunes
20g sugar
120 g soft whey cheese
4 Tbsp rice
50 ml cream

salt and pepper to taste


Quarter the prunes with a knife.

Then slowly heat the water and the prunes on the stove in a large pot and let it simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

Add the whey cheese in thin slices in portions and let it melt in the hot liquid.

Finally add the rice and let it simmer for another 20 minutes.

Then season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serve the finished, hot cheese soup with a dollop of cream and fresh bread.

[Translated from here.]

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