Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dressing úr ab-mjólk

Dressing made from AB Mjólk

Next weekend is Merchants ' Weekend ("verslunarmannahelgin") in Iceland - the biggest travel weekend of the year. The biggest folk festival ever takes place on Vestmannaeyjar, a camping festival with lots of people, often a lot of alcohol and, above all, a lot of music and, at the end, the legendary brekkusöng ("hang song"). There is a music festival in Reykjavík, a big family festival in Akureyri and in many places across the country there are also festivals, large bonfires and activities for the whole family. And the campsites are usually busier than ever, full of caravans, trailers, tents and happy people happily eating, drinking and perhaps playing music.

If you feel like grilling for the merchant's weekend, I can recommend this delicious fresh sauce made from typical Icelandic AB-Mjólk !


350 ml AB ​​Mjólk
1/2 cucumber
1 red pepper
1 pinch of fresh pepper
1 pinch of coarse sea salt
1/2 tsp dill


Strain the AB-Mjólk through a coffee filter.

This separates the acidic whey and the AB-Mjólk becomes a little firmer and, above all, tastes less sour and therefore milder.

Wash, clean and carefully grate half the cucumber and the pepper.

Then mix the grated vegetables with the AB-Mjólk.

Season the sauce with pepper, salt and dill.

I find the sauce ideal with fresh grilled meat (here with fried potatoes and fresh cucumber salad).

A perfect summer meal for me!

[Translated from here.]

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