Saturday, June 19, 2021

Kaffi-Ís (III)

Coffee ice cream (III)

Is he að fá sér kaffi núna? Is it too late to have a coffee?

The Icelanders love coffee - especially uppáhellt kaffi , i.e. filter coffee. And Icelanders love ice cream. So it's no wonder that you find (what feels like) several recipes for coffee ice cream in every old Icelandic cookbook! I already have a recipe for coffee ice cream with lots of cream on the blog and also a recipe for coffee ice cream with sweetened condensed milk , and here I found a very simple recipe, but I substituted some of the cream with vanilla. Skyr and a pureed banana replaced. It doesn't necessarily have to be that high in calories... My husband was happy - this portion in the small waffle only had around 50 kcal.


250 ml whipping cream
450 ml vanilla skyr
1 banana
100 g brown cane sugar
250 ml strong cold coffee


Whip the cream until stiff.

In a large bowl, mix the vanilla skyr with the sugar.

Puree the banana thoroughly and stir in together with the cold coffee.

Carefully fold in the whipped cream.

Then pour the ice cream mixture into a suitable container and place it in the freezer for several hours, stirring again and again until the ice cream has the desired consistency.

(If the ice cream in the freezer compartment is completely frozen, you have to let it thaw for about 20 - 30 minutes until it has a reasonable consistency again. Otherwise it will be frozen, I'm afraid.)

[Translated from here.]

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