Monday, August 15, 2016

Fylltir sveppir á grillið

Stuffed mushrooms (for grilling)

Ingredients for 4 persons

8 large mushrooms
50 g dried dates
1 - 2 Camembert cheese
1 tsp herbs


Wash the mushrooms.

Remove the stems and carefully chop into small pieces.

Cut the dried dates into thin slices.

Cut the Camembert cheese into small pieces and add the chopped mushrooms, dates and herbs...

...knead into a mass that is as uniform as possible.

Fill the mushrooms with the cheese mixture...

...and place on the hot grill until the cheese has melted and the mushrooms are nicely browned (alternatively: put in the oven at 350 °F (180 °C) for about 15 - 20 minutes).

Bon appetit!

[Translated from here.]

Banana skyrís með kókoskurli

Banana Skyr ice cream with coconut sprinkles


4 large bananas
120 g brown sugar
250 ml whipping cream
450 g pure Skyr
70 g dark chocolate shavings

100 g wholemeal flour
50 g desiccated coconut
20 g brown sugar
40 g butter
1 pinch of coarse sea salt
30 g white chocolate shavings


Whip the cream until stiff.

Mash or puree the bananas...

...and mix with the brown sugar and Skyr.

Carefully fold in the whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

Then place the mixture in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the coconut crumbles:

Preheat the oven to 350 °F (180 °C) upper/lower heat.

Mix the wholemeal flour with the coconut flakes, brown sugar, butter and salt...

...knead into crumbles, spread on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for about 10 to 15 minutes until everything has turned nice and golden brown.

Then break apart and let cool.

Before serving, let the ice cream thaw briefly, pour it into small bowls and serve sprinkled with the coconut sprinkles.

[Translated from here.]


Carrot fritters

For me, this is a very nice way to use up leftovers if you still have cooked potatoes and carrots left over. And with a crisp salad, it's a complete meal!


300 g potatoes
300 g carrots
2 Tbsp oil
1 egg
1 chopped onion
5 Tbsp flour
1 tsp thyme
1 pinch of coarse sea salt
1 pinch of pepper


The day before, wash and peel the potatoes and carrots and boil them in salted water until soft. Then let it cool down well.

The next day, roughly mash the potatoes and carrots, mix with the oil and work with the egg, chopped onion and 2 tablespoons of flour to form a coarse dough. Season with thyme, salt and pepper.

With wet hands, form balls out of the dough and roll them in the remaining flour.

Then heat some more oil in a large pan and fry the carrot balls over medium heat, first on one side and then on the other, until they are golden brown.

Serve with fresh salad.

[Translated from here.]

Súrmjólk með mysukaramellu

Sour milk and whey caramel dessert

If you make your own skyr , you'll end up with a lot of whey. You can use this whey for making cheese ( Mysingur ), for example, but you can also make a nice whey caramel sauce from it. Together with this sour milk dessert and a bit of licorice powder, a very interesting and delicious experience!


3 Tbsp brown sugar
60 ml cream
1 env powdered gelatin
300 ml sour milk

500 ml whey
60 g brown sugar

1 tsp coarse licorice powder for decoration


To make the sour milk cream, first put the brown sugar with the cream in a small saucepan and simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Remove the pot from the heat, add the powdered gelatine and stir until everything is completely dissolved. Then add the sour milk while stirring constantly and mix everything into a smooth mixture.

Then pour the mixture into molds and let it freeze in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

To make the whey caramel, place the whey and sugar in a large pan and heat over a low heat on the stove, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved. Then let it simmer for about 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has reduced by about 4/5 and a thick syrup has formed.

Then remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature.

Arrange the sour milk ice cream from the mold on a dessert plate, let it thaw briefly and pour the whey caramel over it. Sprinkle with a little bit of the licorice powder and serve.

[Translated from here.]

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Saltkex fiskur

Salt biscuit fish

Ingredients for 2 people

2 tsp butter
100 g crackers
500 g cod
400 g cream cheese
1 bunch of fresh herbs
1/2 tsp coarse sea salt
1 pinch of black pepper


Preheat the oven to 350 °F (180 °C) upper/lower heat.

Put the butter in a baking dish and let it melt in the oven.

Carefully crumble the cookies...

...and spread evenly over the bottom of the buttered baking dish.

Cut the fresh fish into small, bite-sized pieces. Spread over the biscuit crumbs and season the fish with a little salt and pepper.

Wash, clean and chop the fresh herbs...

...and mix in a bowl with the cream cheese, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt and some black pepper.

Then spread the mixture over the seasoned fish.

Bake in a preheated oven at 350 °F (180 °C) upper and lower heat for about 20 minutes.

Then serve the Saltkex fiskur with salad or vegetables.

Enjoy the food - njóttu máltíð!

[Translated from here.]

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Bread soup

Bread soup is a very typical, traditional dish in Iceland that seems to be on the menu of every school canteen at least once a month.

Traditionally, this soup is of course made with Icelandic rugbrauð , but in this country you can also make do with pumpernickel.


200 g pumpernickel
1 liter of water
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp maple syrup
2 Tbsp raisins
1/2 organic lemon
750 ml malt beer
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 pinch of coarse sea salt


Carefully crumble the pumpernickel, pour 1/2 liter of water over it and place in the refrigerator overnight to soak.

The next day, put the pumpernickel porridge in a pot with the remaining 1/2 liter of water...

...and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Let the soup simmer until the bread has dissolved well and everything has become a uniform mass without lumps. Then puree carefully with the stick.

Add the sugar and syrup, add the raisins and ground cinnamon and let it simmer a little more.

Then pour in the malt beer...

...some grated lemon peel and the juice of half a lemon.

Stir everything, add a pinch of salt and, if necessary, a little sugar to taste.

Serve the warm bread soup with a dollop of cream and, if you like, a few fresh berries.

[Translated from here.]

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Skyr súkkulaðimús

Skyr chocolate cream

Ingredients for 4 servings

100 g dark chocolate
100 g white chocolate
100 g whole milk chocolate
700 g honey skyr
1 nectarine
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 pinch of vanilla / vanilla flavor
150 g fresh strawberries


Melt the chocolate in three different glasses in a water bath.

Cut the nectarine into as small pieces as possible. Wash and clean about 2/3 of the strawberries and cut them into small pieces, crushing them a little if necessary.

Mix the chopped nectarine with approx. 200 g of Skyr, the melted dark chocolate and, if necessary, a tablespoon of brown sugar. Pour evenly into all glasses so that they are almost 1/3 full.

Then mix the melted white chocolate with approx. 300 g of Skyr and the vanilla and pour it evenly into the dessert glasses.

Finally, wash, clean and cut about 100 g of strawberries into small pieces, crush them a little if necessary, and mix with the remaining Skyr and the melted milk chocolate and fill the last third of the dessert glasses with it.

Then place the cream dessert in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and then serve well chilled with the remaining fresh strawberries.

Bon appetit!

[Translated from here.]