Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Rhubarb syrup


350 g rhubarb sticks
350 g water

2 tsp vanilla
5 Tbsp sugar

2 tsp lemon juice


Wash the rhubarb, clean it and cut it into small pieces, then cook it in water for about 10 minutes until soft and then let it cool down a little.

Pour everything through a sieve lined with a cloth and collect the liquid...

...and squeeze the cloth thoroughly. (Be careful, if the rhubarb is still too hot, you might get burnt blisters on your hands when squeezing it - so it's better to let it cool down a little more!)

Add the vanilla, sugar and lemon juice and let the liquid boil down slightly.

Then pour into a bottle...

...and serve as a syrup with pancakes or ice cream.

You can also enjoy the syrup with sparkling water as a refreshing drink (mixing ratio 2 tablespoons of syrup to 100 ml sparkling water).

[Translated from here.]

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