Friday, January 24, 2025

Skyr með súkkulaði og appelsínu

Chocolate Orange Skyr

Today in Iceland we celebrate bóndadagur, i.e. Men's Day.

The Old Icelandic calendar only knew two seasons, winter and summer. The winter month of Þorri #, the "drought month", begins on Friday between January 18th and 24th, i.e. on January 24th in this year 2025. On the first day of this month, the traditional feast Þorrablót was celebrated, which also paid special tribute to the master of the house. From this tradition came the bóndadagur, i.e. the “day of the landlord”.

Today bóndadagur has become “Husbands Day”; you give your husband flowers, treat him to delicious food or in other ways.

As a surprise for my husband today, I have this delicious chocolate skyr with dark chocolate and fresh orange. And afterwards we have a barbecue with the family present...

In this sense:

Gleðilegan bóndadag! Happy Men's Day!

Ingredients for 2 servings

400 g pure Skyr
2 oranges
1 - 2 Tbsp baking cocoa
2 Tbsp honey
40 g dark chocolate


Peel one orange, fillet it and cut it into small pieces.

Halve the other orange and squeeze it.

Crush the chocolate.

Mix the skyr thoroughly with the orange juice, baking cocoa and honey. Finally, stir in half (!) of the chopped chocolate.

Divide the Skyr mixture between two bowls, glasses or similar.

Garnish the chocolate skyr with the orange pieces and the remaining chopped chocolate and then enjoy.

Bon appetit!

[Translated from here.]

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