Saturday, September 9, 2023

Farmer's market in the supermarket

Bændamarkaður Krónunnar

There is no regular street market in Iceland like you would find it in other countries.

If you want to buy products fresh from the local farmer in Iceland, there are sometimes sales areas on the farms. There is the association " Beint frá býli " (= "Direct from the farm") for direct marketing and there are also some shops where regional products from the area are regularly sold.

The Krónan supermarket chain is now hosting a farmers' market on several weekends in August/September for the seventh time:

Here, the vegetable department offers crisp, fresh Icelandic vegetables directly from the farmers, which have just been freshly harvested on the farm - from cucumbers to carrots, potatoes and beets.

And another special feature:

All vegetables at the farmers market are sold without plastic or other packaging. If you want, you can even bring your own reusable packaging for the vegetables.

So if you see a tractor in front of the shop at Krónan and this sign here - just take a look at it and maybe try it out!

[Translated from here.]

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