Monday, May 4, 2020


Rhubarb porridge

Over the course of my life, I have become an avowed rhubarb fan. This is very fitting, as rhubarb has long been an essential part of Icelandic cuisine since its introduction to Iceland around 1880. The recipe here is from the 1940s, when rhubarb was still called "tröllasúra" in Icelandic and not "rabarbari".

Ingredients for 4 servings

750 ml water
500 g rhubarb sticks
50 g potato flour
60 g brown sugar
1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
1 pinch of ground vanilla


Wash, peel and clean the rhubarb and cut into pieces.

Then put the rhubarb in a large pot with the cinnamon and vanilla, ...

...pour the water over it and let it cook until the rhubarb is soft and falling apart.

Remove approx. 50 ml of liquid and allow to cool thoroughly.

Puree the rhubarb thoroughly.

Mix the potato flour with the removed cold liquid.

Bring the pureed rhubarb to the boil again in the pot, when it starts to bubble, add the dissolved potato flour while stirring constantly...

...and let it simmer for a few more minutes.

Add the sugar and mix everything well.

Then put the rhubarb groats into bowls, sprinkle with a little sugar and serve with milk, cream or curdled milk.

We had vanilla thick milk with it.

[Translated from here.]

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