Friday, April 10, 2020

Blóðbergsreyktur þorskur

Thyme-smoked cod

In Icelandic, Good Friday is called "föstudagurinn langi", or "long Friday". Fish is also a typical Good Friday dish in Iceland, even if this tradition has been somewhat forgotten in recent decades.

My Good Friday fish this year would be this smoked cod - smoked with thyme sprigs in a smoker bag, either on the grill or with the grill function in the oven. And with a very tasty sauce on the side.

The thyme grows in our “herb garden” at the front door.


coarse sea salt

150 ml olive oil
2 Tbsp hot mustard
1.5 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp coriander
1 Tbsp honey


Rub the cod with the coarse sea salt and let it stand for about a quarter of an hour.

Then put it in a smoking bag with the fresh thyme.

While the fish is being smoked on the grill or in the embers, add all the ingredients for the sauce together and process thoroughly in the blender into a uniform mass.

Then serve the smoked fish with the sauce and fresh salad and bread.

We had fried mushrooms with leeks and onions, and the sauce was extremely light!

[Translated from here.]

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