Friday, February 1, 2019

Bóndadóttir með blæju

Farmer's daughter with veil

This recipe for a "veiled farm girl" can be found everywhere in Northern Europe, whether it's called "Buerndeern mit Sleier" in North Frisia, "Bondepige med slør" in Denmark or "Tilslørte bondepiker" in Norway. Of course, there are certain variations everywhere, depending on the family recipe and taste preferences. Here I introduce you to my Icelandic version - with rye bread, apple compote and rhubarb compote.

For rye bread I used pumpernickel, it works really well.

Ingredients for 2 servings

125 g pumpernickel
40 g butter
2 Tbsp brown sugar
140 g rhubarb compote
140 g apple compote
50 g vanilla skyr
50 g whipping cream


Melt the butter in a large skillet.

Carefully grate the pumpernickel.

Add the grated pumernickel and brown sugar to the melted butter in the pan...

...and fry for several minutes until the breadcrumbs are crispy.

Then set aside and let cool thoroughly.

Then pour the ingredients into the dessert glasses in layers - I started with the breadcrumbs, then rhubarb compote, skyr, again breadcrumbs and apple compote and finally the remaining breadcrumbs.

Then decorate with the whipped cream and fresh berries and let it sit in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Bon appetit - verði ykkur að góðu!

[Translated from here.]

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