Sunday, February 24, 2019

Fiskréttur með karrý og ananas

Curry fish with ananas


750 g cod fillet
1 can of ananas (in pieces)
4 - 5 Tbsp flour
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp paprika powder
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp instant vegetable stock
1 chopped onion
3 carrots
250 ml whipping cream


On a plate mix flour, curry powder, salt, paprika powder, pepper and instant powder for vegetable stock. Put a third of it aside.

Heat up oil in a large pan.

Cut the cod fillet into strips and roll in the mixture of flour and spices to coat. Then fry in the pan briefly from both sides.

Put the fried fish aside. Then fry the chopped onion and the sliced carrots in the hot oil until carrots are soft.

Add the ananas and the ananas juice from the can into then pan. Stir in the whipping cream and thicken with the remaining spiced flour.

Put the fish into the sauce and let soak shortly.

Traditionally the curry fish is served with rice and salad.

Gerbollur með hindberjarjómi

Yeast dough balls with raspberry cream

This year for Bolludagur, or Rose Monday, I prepared yeast balls with raspberry cream and chocolate - very tasty, although extremely filling! The dough is enough for 10 to 12 bales.


100 g butter
300 ml milk
50 g yeast
500 g flour
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cardamom
1 egg
1 egg for brushing

For the filling

500 ml whipping cream
250 g raspberries
180 g raspberry chocolate
optionally 1 Tbsp rapeseed oil


Put the butter and milk in a large pot and heat.

Stir in the yeast.

Add flour, sugar, salt and cardamom.

Add the egg...

...and mix everything with a wooden spoon into a smooth dough.

Then cover the dough in the pot and let it rise for a good half an hour.

If necessary, add a little more flour if the dough is too sticky and knead well again. Form small balls out of the dough with floured hands and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper, leaving enough space between them.

Beat the second egg and brush the balls with it.

Then let the balls rise again in a warm place for about half an hour.

Preheat the oven in good time to 350 °F (180 °C) upper/lower heat.

Bake the balls for about 20 minutes until they have turned nice and golden.

Allow the balls to cool thoroughly and then cut them in half (cut off about 1/3 of the top of the ball).

Then prepare the filling:

Whip the cream until stiff.

Carefully crush the raspberries and fold them into the whipped cream.

Then spread the mixture over the bottom half of the balls.

Cut about 50 g of raspberry chocolate into small pieces with a sharp knife...

...and spread on the raspberry cream.

Then put the top side of the balls back on (and press very carefully so that it stays in place).

Melt the remaining chocolate in a water bath for the glaze.

Optionally, stir in another tablespoon of rapeseed oil so that the glaze becomes somewhat smooth and brush the balls with it.

Then serve the balls well chilled.

[Translated from here.]

Brauðsúpa II

Icelandic rye bread soup

I previously shared a recipe for bread soup , now I tried another recipe - and I'm completely thrilled! But I also used the rest of my home-baked Rúgbrauð instead of using pumpernickel, it's more "absorbent" and I like the result better. Absolute soul food for me! (However, this soup fills you up phenomenally quickly.)

Ingredients for 2 - 4 people

330 ml malt beer
250 g Rúgbrauð
80 g brown sugar
3 Tbsp raisins
250 ml whipping cream
1 Tbsp grated orange peel


Cut the Rúgbrauð into small cubes.

Put the crumbled bread in a saucepan, pour in the malt beer and let it sit in the fridge for about 3 hours.

Then add the sugar and raisins...

...and simmer on the stove over low heat for about 2 hours.

Then pour the whipping cream into the soup and stir.

Add some grated orange peel and stir again...

...and serve warm.

[Translated from here.]

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Chocolate dessert

Here's a recipe for a nice dessert if you're in a hurry. It's easy to stir together, but should be served straight away - otherwise the chocolate layer will be hard.

Ingredients for 4 servings

200 g chocolate
150 g whipping cream
200 g vanilla skyr
100 g oatmeal cookies
30 g sliced ​​almonds


Let the chocolate slowly melt in a water bath.

Beat the whipping cream until stiff, set aside 2 tablespoons and mix the rest with the vanilla skyr.

Roughly chop the oatmeal cookies.

Mix the reserved cream with the melted chocolate.

Then layer the dessert in the glass:

First add some melted, cooled chocolate to each glass...

...then the skyr cream mixture, ...

... then the cookie crumbs and the sliced ​​almonds.

Now layer the dessert again from the beginning with chocolate, Skyr cream, cookie crumbs and flaked almonds.

Then serve the dessert straight away - please don't put it in the fridge anymore, otherwise the chocolate will solidify and it will be difficult to eat. Believe me!

[Translated from here.]

Rúgbrauð i dós

Rye bread in a can

So far I have baked Icelandic Rúgbrauð in the classic way in rinsed milk cartons (10 to 12 hours at 200 °F (100 °C) upper/lower heat) or I have also cooked rye bread in jam jars , now I have baked it in a biscuit tin - and it is also much faster, At 200 °F (100 °C) circulating air it only takes 6 hours of baking time.


400 g wholemeal rye flour
160 g whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp coarse sea salt
200 g sugar beet syrup
500 ml concentrated milk
50ml water


In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients.

Add the curdled milk and sugar beet syrup.

Knead everything into a sticky dough.

Line the cookie tin with baking paper and pour the dough into the tin.

Pour the water over the dough, close the can with the lid and bake in the oven at 200 °F (100 °C) for about 6 hours.

Then take the bread out of the oven, let it cool down and then carefully remove it from the tin.

Í kvöldmat - for dinner the bread was simply spread with butter and sprinkled with a little seaweed salt, with a glass of milk. Really tasty!

[Translated from here.]