Thursday, September 18, 2014

Flatkökur - rye flatbread


400 ml milk
150 g wheat flour
150 g whole wheat flour
150 g rye flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt


Let the milk get hot.

Meanwhile, combine the other ingredients in a bowl and make a well in the middle. Slowly pour the hot milk into the cavity and knead the dough until it is as tough as possible but also smooth.

Roll out the dough in portions on the floured work surface with a rolling pin until you have a circle of dough about 12 cm in diameter.

Stack the rolled out, unbaked dough flatbreads on a plate with baking paper between the flatbreads.

Pour hot water into a bowl.

Bake the dough flatbreads in a cast iron pan (alternatively: e.g. a crepe maker) without adding fat until the underside of the flatbread gets black spots, then turn it over and bake it again for the appropriate length of time.

Then dip the baked flatbreads briefly into the hot water to wash off the flour residue. Then let them dry briefly on a kitchen roll and then stack the finished flatbreads on a plate, again with baking paper between the individual flatbreads.


The amount of dough is enough for me for about 10 flat cakes.

By the way, it takes a relatively long time until all the flatbreads are finished baking. If you want to eat Flatkökur for breakfast, you either have to get up at least two hours beforehand - or you can bake it during the day and then eat it later.

[Translated from here.]

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