Friday, January 20, 2023


Man's Day

Supposedly, there is an old custom in Iceland that on this day, early in the morning, the master of the house has to hop around the farm three times barefoot and on one leg. In doing so, he wears only a shirt and a single trouser leg, while dragging the other trouser leg behind him. In return, his wife makes him happy with a particularly good meal, such as sourly pickled ram's testicles or singed sheep's head. Doesn't that sound tempting?!?

Bóndadagur - January 20th, 2023 

Bóndadagur is celebrated on the first day of the month Þorri. This month is the fourth winter month in the old Icelandic calendar. Þorri starts on Friday in the 13th week of winter (between 19th and 25th of January). This year, 2023, Bóndadagur falls on January 20th (2024: January 19th, 2025: January 24th). It the past it was mainly a farmer’s day. Nowadays it’s celebrated as husband’s day or man’s day.

The traditions around the Bóndadagur have only been handed down orally. The first written source about festivities on this day is a letter from 1728 to the Icelandic scholar Árni Magnússon. The name Bóndadagur can then be found in Jón Árnason’s Icelandic folk tales of 1862/64. Only from the twenties of the last century the term Bóndadagur can also be found in other written sources.

But, in fact, I’ve never seen a halfed-clothed man hopping around on that day. The old custom seems to be somehow forgotten.

With this in mind I wish you: 
Geðilegan bóndadag! 

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