Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Meat Soup Day at the beginning of winter

In Iceland, winter always starts at the end of October. The first day of winter ("fyrsti vetrardagur") according to the old Icelandic calendar is the first Saturday between October 21st and 27th.

Since 2003, on Skólavörðustígur street, which leads from Hallgrímskirka down to Laugavegur in Reykjavík, the "kjötsúpudagur", i.e. the Meat Soup Day, has been celebrated on the first day of winter. From 2 p.m., various variants of the typical Icelandic meat soup are served at several stations along the street for free. The event starts at 2 p.m. and lasts as long as stocks last (maximum for 2 hours).

This year, unfortunately we could not join the Meat Soup Day. But in 2021 we took the opportunity and tried out five different meat soups. It was definitely a rewarding and delicious experience!

Impressions of 2021

If you missed the Kjötsúpudagur on Skólavörðustígur this year, as we did, you can also cook your own Icelandic meat soup at home, of course. Here on this blog you can find two very delicious, but also very different types of such soup:
The taste of the vegan variant actually comes very close to the classic meat soup.

Meat or no meat, that doesn't have to be the question.
The taste is great anyhow.

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