Sunday, October 23, 2022


Meat soup day at the beginning of winter

In Iceland, winter always begins at the end of October. The first day of winter (" fyrsti vetrardagur ") according to the Old Icelandic calendar is the first Saturday between October 21st and 27th.

Since 2003, "kjötsúpudagur", or meat soup day, has been celebrated on the first day of winter on the Skólavörðustígur road, which leads from Hallgrímskirka down to Laugavegur in Reykjavík. From 2 p.m. onwards, different versions of the typical Icelandic meat soup are served at several stations along the street - usually from 2 p.m. and while stocks last (maximum until 4 p.m.).

Last year we tried it out on Meat Soup Day 2021 - unfortunately we couldn't do it this year. It is definitely a worthwhile and delicious experience!

Impressions from 2021

If you missed the Kjötsúpudagur on the Skólavörðustígur this year, like we did, you can of course still cook Icelandic meat soup yourself at home - here on the blog you will find both a tried and tested recipe for Icelandic Kjötsúpa and a very tasty meatless version, which perfectly captures the soul of this dish in terms of taste and is also suitable for vegans, the “meatless meat soup” (“kjötlaus kjötsúpa”).

Meat or no meat, that doesn't even have to be the question.
And both really taste good!

[Translated from here.]

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