Monday, October 31, 2022

Lummur (ab-mjólk)

Pancakes with AB mjólk

AB-mjólk is a special Icelandic dairy product, a sour, thick, probiotic milk made with the help of the special bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus (a) and Bifidobacterium bididum (b).

Many Icelanders swear that ab-mjólk improves their digestion and strengthens their immune system. You can get a large selection of ab-mjólk in practically every supermarket here - and of course it is also used in Icelandic cuisine, for example in these thick little pancakes. In other countries you often can't get ab-mjólk, but you can replace it in the recipe with pure yoghurt.

So a perfect Sunday breakfast for two, right?!?

Ingredients for 2 servings / 8 pancakes

120 g wheat flour
40 g oat flakes
1 Tbsp sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
250 ml ab-mjólk
2 Tbsp oil
1 egg


In a large bowl, mix the flour with the oats, sugar, salt and baking powder.

Then pour in the ab-mjólk and mix everything into a smooth dough.

Add the oil and egg and mix thoroughly.

Then let the dough stand for about 10 to 15 minutes, after which it should be nice and thick (otherwise, depending on the consistency, add a little more flour or a little ab-mjólk).

Heat a cast iron pan on the stove over medium heat and then use a tablespoon to pour the dough into the pan in portions and fry until golden brown on both sides.

I made my dough with strawberry-flavored ab-mjólk and then served the finished Lummur with sugar cinnamon and a tablespoon of ab-mjólk, which gives a nice fresh, fruity note even on a rainy Sunday.

Bon appetit!

[Translated from here.]

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