Sunday, June 7, 2020


Soup on the quay

The two of us ate the soup here as a main course and were pleasantly full afterwards. As a starter soup it would definitely be enough for four people.

Traditionally, the fresh fish for this dish is not cooked, but cut raw into bite-sized pieces, placed on the plate and then poured over with the hot soup. However, I didn't dare do that here, far away from freshly landed fish...


350 g fresh cod
2 Tbsp oil
150 g mushrooms
2 onions
1 chili pepper
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp ground cumin
400 ml fish stock
1 Tbsp honey
2 bay leaves
250 ml cream
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
100 ml apple juice
1 pinch of coarse sea salt
1 pinch of pepper


Wash, clean and chop the mushrooms, onions and chili pepper.

Heat the oil in a large pot.

Add the mushrooms, onions and chili to the pot and sauté with the ground cumin and thyme.

Then add the fish stock, apple cider vinegar, apple juice and bay leaves and bring to the boil.

Take the bay leaves out of the soup, add the honey and pour in the cream and warm it up, but don't let it boil anymore.

Season with salt and pepper.

Cut the fish into bite-sized pieces...

...briefly add it to the soup and then serve immediately.

If you like, you can sprinkle some whole cumin on top.

[Translated from here.]

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