Monday, May 15, 2017

Soðinn saltfiskur

Boiled salt fish

A nice solid Icelandic recipe - typically Icelandic with only a few ingredients, namely salt fish, potatoes, carrots and suet.

If no salt fish is available, it is best to use fresh cod, but then add 1 to 2 teaspoons of salt to the cooking water. The tallow can also be replaced with butter - or crackling fat.

Thanks to the salt fish and the tallow, this dish tastes intense and spicy in its original form, even without any other spices.

Ingredients for 4 persons

800 g salt fish
2 liters of water
600 g carrots
600 g potatoes
2 Tbsp tallow


Place the saltfish in cold water in the refrigerator overnight, changing the water several times if possible.

The next day, wash the fish thoroughly, clean it and cut it into fairly small pieces.

Heat the water in a large pot, add the chopped saltfish and simmer over low heat with the lid open for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel the carrots and potatoes, cut everything into pieces...

...and add it to the water with the fish and let it cook until the potato and carrot pieces are soft (cooking time for fish and vegetables about 30 minutes in total).

Melt the tallow in a pan...

...lift the fish, potatoes and carrots out of the water, drain and toss briefly in the rendered suet,...

...then serve straight away.

[Translated from here.]

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