Sunday, August 10, 2014

Frosin ávaxtakaka - frozen fruit cake


100 g coconut macaroons
150 g orange juice
1 orange
2 apples
3 small bananas
100 g chocolate
100 g dates
50 g nuts
2-3 kiwis


Crumble the coconut macaroons and place them in a shallow glass bowl. Pour the orange juice over the crushed coconut macarons.

Peel the oranges, apples and bananas and cut all the fruit into pieces.

Chop the chocolate, dates and nuts finely.

Then mix the chopped fruit with the chopped chocolate and the chopped dates and nuts and spread over the macaron base.

Pull aluminum foil over the cake pan and freeze in the freezer for at least 12 hours.

Two hours before the cake is to be served, the cake is taken out of the freezer and slowly thawed. Before serving, peel, halve and slice the kiwis and garnish the edge of the cake with them.

If you want, you can serve whipped cream with the frozen fruit cake.

Alternatively, you can prepare the cake for guests in small glass bowls - then it doesn't have to freeze for so long and serving is guaranteed to be accident-free and without any visual impairment.

[Translated from here.]

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