Monday, July 1, 2024

Spínatsalat með jarðarberjum

Spinach salad with strawberries

The cultivation of strawberries in Iceland does not have a long history - reports of the first attempts to grow strawberries on the island date back to the end of the 19th century. And the attempts were initially not particularly successful; the Icelandic climate is not necessarily ideal for growing strawberries outdoors.

In 1896, the first greenhouse was built in Iceland, where flowers and vegetables were first grown. From around 1920, some strawberries were also grown in greenhouses, from the 1930s onwards cultivation became increasingly successful and today strawberries in Iceland grow all year round in large, geothermally heated and illuminated greenhouses. You can generally buy fresh Icelandic strawberries in local shops from early summer to late autumn.

Strawberries ( jarðarber ) have now become an integral part of Icelandic cuisine, from jams to desserts and sweet cakes to savory dishes, sauces and salads - like this recipe for spinach salad with fresh strawberries, cheese and nuts.

Ingredients for 2 servings

150 g fresh spinach
120 g fresh strawberries
1 glass of feta cheese in oil
30 g walnuts

fresh pepper to taste


Wash and pick the fresh spinach.

Divide the spinach between the plates.

Wash and chop the strawberries.

Mix the sliced ​​strawberries together with the feta cheese and some of the oil...

.... and pour over the spinach.

Crush the walnut kernels a little and fry them in a pan without fat until the kernels are nicely browned.

Remove the pan from the heat, let it cool slightly and then distribute the nuts over the salad. Season with fresh pepper to taste and then serve immediately.

Bon appetit!

[Translated from here.]

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