Sunday, December 15, 2019


Almond rice pudding

This is also a typical Christmas meal in Iceland for family celebrations on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day - slow-cooked rice pudding with sugar, cinnamon and crowberry juice. And of course in Iceland an almond is hidden in the rice pudding and whoever finds the almond gets a small gift. In many large Icelandic families, it is customary for the adult family members to take turns every year as to who gets the almond gift.


250 g rice
1 liter of milk
1 pinch of salt

sugar and cinnamon
Crowberry juice


Put the rice in a large pot, just cover with a little boiling water and then let it cook for an hour.

Add hot water every now and then to keep the rice covered.

Then pour in 750 ml of milk in portions while the rice simmers over a low heat and needs to be stirred again and again.

Then season the rice pudding with a pinch of salt.

Then let the rice pudding stand for about 2 hours, then heat it again and stir in the remaining 250 ml milk until the rice pudding is nice and thick and creamy.

Add a whole almond to the rice pudding.

The rice pudding is then traditionally served with crowberry juice and strong sugar cinnamon.

[Translated from here.]

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