Now around the turn of the year is time to look back on the year, and you look back and take stock, one way or another.
For a review of the year , I just looked at my top 9 pictures from last year on Instagram :
In total I shared 156 posts on Instagram, the first post was from the New Year's Eve fire (áramótabrenna) in Selfoss 2023 posted on January 1st, 2024 and my Instagram year ended on December 31st, 2024 with bathing in the hot pot between the years in the bitter cold and great weather on our terrace. In between there was a lot of Icelandic food, what felt like even more Iceland and a number of knitting projects from me as well as a few personal Icelandic moments from us.
The most popular image was a photo of these awesome Northern Lights here in mid-October, and a second Northern Lights photo above our house also made it into the top 9.
Then two double-layered cakes, a "Hnallþóra" for the 80th birthday of the Republic of Iceland on June 17, 2024 as a chocolate cake with meringue, cream and berries, and a carrot cake with cream cheese for the 10th birthday of my blog in July 2024.
And the Skúffukaka, with which I also promoted this English version in the original Gernan version of my blog, made it to third place - with me as the face of the German blog and with my husband as the face of the English blog. After all, he is the one who launched, supervises, maintains and translates the English version.
My "shoulder warmer" ("slá"), inspired by the Hallgrímskirkja tower in Reykjavík, actually made it into the "Top 9" three times in different contexts - I'm happy about that too! I'm always happy about the response that my knitting projects get on the blog.
My Icelandic sweater gingerbreads from previous year made it into the most popular pictures again in 2024, a real all-time favorite, apparently. Also beautiful!
The Icelandic Christmas cat, Jólakötturinn, made it to last place in the top 9.
Basically, I plan to carry on this blog as before: Icelandic recipes for baking and cooking, restaurant and food tips, as well as my knitting projects in Icelandic style and Icelandic wool and of course some moments from our part-time life here in our house in Iceland. I hope I'll manage to try out new and interesting Icelandic recipes and to present them here in the blog.
What do you want from me here in the blog for the coming year?